Caution for use of DNA Oligos |
Precautions |
- We manufacture and sell DNA Oligos·RNA for the purpose of research reagents.
Please do not use them for manufacture of pharmaceuticals, quality control, different kinds of diagnosis other than research purpose reagents. Please be reminded that we cannot take responsibility for the issues arising from the products ( industrial property rights, issue on safety of toxicity & others).
- There is a case that DNA Oligos·RNA might attach to the inside of tube cap during transportation, so please open the cap after slight centrifugation.
Preservation Method of DNA Oligos |
< Unmodified Products > |
We deliver lyophilized products as well as aqueous products in room temperature as they are stable for one week in room temperature. Please store deep freeze at -20 - -80℃ if you don't use it immediately after delivery. |
< Modified Products > |
We deliver it packed in cooled foam polystyrene box. Please store deep freeze at -20 - -80℃. if you don't use it immediately after delivery. And, please store fluorescence-labeled products in light-shielded place. |
Reconstitution Method |
< What to prepare > |
Ultra-pure sterile water or TE buffer for reconstitution of DNA Oligos. Micro pipette and sterile chip |
< Lyophilized Products > |
< Delivery by aqueous solution > |
DNA Oligos of which concentration is not specified is prepared in concentration of 100pmole/µL. Diluents used are sterile water for unmodified and non-fluorescence-labeled products, TE buffer for fluorescence-labeled products.
Probes for LightCycler® of which concentration is not specified is delivered in concentration of 100pmole/µL in aqueous solution.
For longer-period preservation |
< Unmodified Products > |
Please store it deep freeze at -20 - -80℃. Don't repeat freeze and thaw reconstituted DNA Oligos. Dispense aliquots after reconstitution and store them deep freeze. Use necessary portion by thawing the products.
< modified Products > |
Please store it deep freeze at -20 - -80℃. Please store fluorescence-labeled products in light-shielded place. Don't repeat freeze and thaw reconstituted DNA Oligos. Dispense aliquots after reconstitution and store them deep freeze. Use necessary portion by thawing the products.
Notation of Mixed Base is according to international notation. Please refer to the followings.
Mixed Base, no additional fee needed.
R=(A,g) M=(A,C) W=(A,T) S=(C,g) Y=(C,T) K=(g,T)
H=(A,T,C) B=(g,T,C) D=(g,A,T) V=(A,C,g) N=(A,C,g,T)
- Following ratios are indicated by Roche Diagnostics K.K. Quality standard for probes for LightCycler®
| Ratio |
Length of oligo | 3'FITC A495nm/A260nm | 5'LightCycler®Red640 A620nm/A260nm | 5'LightCycler®Red705 A685nm/A260nm |
20mer | 0.30-0.40 | 0.60-0.65 | 1.00-1.15 |
25mer | 0.25-0.35 | 0.43-0.55 | 0.90-1.00 |
30mer | 0.20-0.30 | 0.35-0.45 | 0.75-0.90 |
- Data in the PRODUCT DATA are calculated by the following formula.
< O.D.(Optical Density) >
Values of absorbance (A260) when total volume of DNA Oligos is reconstituted by 1mL
1 O.D.(A260) ≈ 33µg
< Total pmole (A260) >
Total pmole = O.D.value(A260 )X 1,000,000
÷{(nA X 15.4)+(nC X 7.4)+(nG X 11.5)+(nT X 8.7)+(nR X 13.4)+(nY X 8.0) +(nS X 9.4)
+(nW X 12.0)+(nH X 10.5)+(nB X 9.2)+(nV X 11.4)+(nD X 11.8)+(nN X 10.7)+(nI X 7.2)}
< Molecular Weight >
MW = (nA X 313.21)+(nC X 289.18)+(nG X 329.21)+(nT X 304.20)+(nR X 321.21)
+(nY X 296.695)+(nM X 301.2)+(nK X 316.705)+(nS X 309.2)+(nW X 308.705)
+(nB X 307.5333)+(nV X 310.5367)+(nD X 315.54)+(nN X 308.9525)+(nI X 314.2)-61.96