Q1. | I want to order your products for the first time. How Can I order them ? |
A1. | Please order directly to NGRL by "web online", e-mail or FAX. For orders by FAX, please fill in your order in the specified form. For orders by e-mail, there is no special form, so please fill in your orders in any form you like and send them to us. For international orders, Please use the e-mail.
Q2. | What's the difference of OPC and HPLC ? |
A2. |
Purification principles of OPC and HPLC are basically same. OPC has specific cartridge in which the samples are passed for purification.
Q3. | I cannot decide which I should order, aqueous solution or lyophilized form. which is convenient for use ? |
A3. |
It is convenient to select aqueous solution if you use it immediately. We deliver it in concentration of 100pmole/µL, however we are flexible to adjust the concentration depending on your needs, so please feel free to ask us. It is convenient to select lyophilized form if you don't use it for a while.
Q4. | What is Salt Free Oligo® |
A4. |
Salt Free Oligo® does not contain Na Salt at all, but it is not a desalinated DNA Oligos.
NaSalt is mixed in during existing treatment process of DNA Oligos and it was not possible to eliminate it 100% by ordinary desalination process.
So, we developed a special treatment process not to mix in NaSalt and we succeeded in manufacturing DNA Oligos containing no Na Salt at all. That is Salt Free Oligo®
We don't use desalination column because we don't want to perform halfway treatment process. It was brought in by the idea not "to eliminate" but "let not commingle".
Our oligoDNA are all Salt Free Oligo®.
If primers containing NaSalt are used, dimmers are easy to be formed and it gives influence to hybridization and post hybridization.
Salt Free Oligo$reg; will exercise power for extremely high-precision analysis such as C-FIT, real-time PCR, micro arrays etc.
It is evaluated as being useful not only for PCR experiment but also for analysis using Newton-force.
Q5. | Please let us know how to order Mixed Base and its price ? |
A5. |
Please refer to the followings for notation of Mixed Base( International Notation)
There is no additional price asked for Mixed Base and it is calculated that Mix part is 1 base( If it is the Mix of A and g, R is 1 base)
R=(A,g) M=(A,C) W=(A,T) S=(C,g) Y=(C,T) K=(g,T) H=(A,T,C) B=(g,T,C) D=(g,A,T) V=(A,C,g) N=(A,C,g,T)
Prices are same as ordinary base.
Q6. | Please let us know about quality control. |
A6 |
We perform precision check for all products. We undergo precision check by TOF/MS for Gel Filtration grade and OPC grade,
also we undergo double check by capillary electrophoresis and TOF/MS for HPLC grade.
If products do not pass our quality standard, we immediately synthesize them again.
Please be reminded that we undergo check by capillary electrophoresis and PAGE for long DNA Oligos due to difficulty to undergo TOF/MS check.
Q7. | What is the preservation method of DNA Oligos ? |
A7. |
Aqueous products: We supply it in concentration of 100pmole/µL. We recommend you to store the portion for immediate use at 4℃ and the remnant should be dispensed into smaller aliquots for deep freeze storage at less than -20℃. Please avoid freeze and thaw.
Lyophilized products: If you do not use it immediately, please store it at less than -20℃ under dry condition (It is most stable in this condition) .
If you use it immediately, please treat the products following the above-mentioned preservation method of aqueous products after reconstitution.
Q8. | What is O.D. ? |
A8. |
O.D. is Optical Density. It's the value of absorption of light when total amount of DNA Oligos is reconstituted with 1ml.
1 O.D.(A260) ≈ 33µg
Convenient Bio Tools
Q9. | Please let us know calculation method of pmole from O.D. value. |
A9. |
Calculation Method pmole (PDF)
Q10. | How long does it take from order to delivery ? |
A10. |
It depends on chain length, modified or unmodified, number of tubes and purification grade & others,
but usually unmodified several tubes ( except for long DNA Oligos and HPLC grade ) are synthesized on the same day and delivered on the next day.
For long DNA Oligos and unmodified HPLC grade, it will take additional 1 - 2 days. As regards modified products,
it will take about a week in Japan, depending on the kinds of modification. Please feel free to ask about delivery time.
In case of urgency, we are flexible to deal with it, so please consult us. Please refer to convenient tool from here.
Q11. | Is there deadline for placing orders ? |
A11. |
We regard orders received by 17:00 JST during working days as same day orders and orders received thereafter until next day at 17:00 JST as next-day orders.
Therefore, usually we deliver the orders received by 17:00 JST on the next day ( however delivery of HPLC purified products·various modified products shall be made following the day after next).
Please refer to convenient tool from here.
Q12. | I don't know by what grade I should order ? |
A12. |
We have a list of recommended grades depending on purposes for unmodified DNA, so please refer to it.
Please refer to the list of recommended grades depending on purposes from here.
It's a case by case basis for modified DNA that we can only supply ones that are purified by HPLC( fluorescent dye and S-Oligo etc.). Please feel free to ask for details.
Q13. | Can I specify arrival date of ordered products ? |
A13. |
It's possible. Please specify when ordering.
Ordinary DNA Oligos is delivered on the next day and HPLC purified products·various modified products are delivered following the day after next.
As a principle, arrival of the ordered products shall be Monday - Friday. It's possible to make the arrival date on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays, so please contact us if desired( We cannot accept delivery of modified products on Monday due to quality control). Please be reminded that arrival of ordered products fluctuates depending on conditions of transportation, weather and holidays.
Q14. | What is the guideline for selection of synthesis scale when ordering probes for LightCycler® ? |
A14. |
you can select from 1nmole, 3nmole and 10nmole.
· Guarantee 1nmole:1,000pmole. Approximately 250 reactions possible by LightCycler®
· Guarantee 3nmole:3,000pmole. Approximately 750 reactions possible by LightCycler®
· Guarantee 10nmole:10,000pmole. Approximately 2,500 reactions possible by LightCycler®
(Above possible reaction numbers are not a guaranty. Please be reminded that it is a guideline of standard number of reactions when 4pmol/1 of FITC and LCRed is used respectively for reaction. )
Q15. | Please let us know about TE buffer. |
A15. |
TE buffer is composed of Tris HC and EDTA. Use PH and concentration according to the purposes. Fluorescent dye is stable in alkali in general, so we use TE buffer adjusted at PH 8.0 when we deliver fluorescence-modified products in aqueous solution.
And, we eliminate MG2+ in the solution by chelate mechanism of EDTA and by doing so, dissolution of DNA Oligos by enzyme is suppressed.
Q16. | Can you supply us with plates ? |
A16. |
Yes, we can. Please tell us when placing orders.
Q17. | We would like to ask you for dispensing the tubes. |
A17. |
Yes, we will.
We hear from the customers frequently such as "I want use the same Oligos for a longer period." and "I'm anxious about contamination." When we received demand for dispensing from the customers, we will dispense specified volume into the tubes and deliver them to you.
And, we can accept dispensing up to three tubes free of charge, but if there are many tubes, there is a case that we might ask for dispensing charge. Please ask us information in advance.
Q18. | I would like to order thiol-modified DNA Oligos, is it with protecting group or is it delivered after taking off the protected group ? |
A18. |
We will supply products according to your needs. If you plan to use the products immediately, we will supply them after deprotection, but if you plan to use them later, we recommend you to receive them with protecting group.
Please refer to deprotection method from here (PDF)
Q19. | What's the difference between 3' DIG tailing and 3' DIG ? And what are their structures ? |
A19. |
One DIG is attached to 3' terminal of one DNA Oligos of 3' DIG. Multiple DIGs are attached to 3' terminal of one DNA Oligos of 3' DIG tailing, so it is suitable for high sensitive detection such as in situ but it is not suited for quantity synthesis due to drastic decrease of final yield compared to end labeling because it causes to react DIG by enzymatic reaction. Also, 3' DIG tailing is structured in the way that 50 pcs. of dA in average are lining up at 3' terminal of DNA Oligos, and is also structured as average 5 pcs. of DIA are scattered about between the lined-up dA.