Unmodified DNA Oligos |
We supply you with unmodified DNA Oligos.
Please specify your grade after referring to 1.purification method 2.recommended grades according to purposes.
Minimum guaranteed quantities are 3 O.D. by GEL Filtration, 2 O.D. by OPC and HPLC, 0.5 O.D. by PAGE.
Please select the product in the form of lyophilized or aqueous solution.
Concentration of Oigo DNA in aqueous solution is basically 100 pmole/µL.
We can accept scale of increased quantity and quantity order, too.
We practice flexible optional services depending on customer needs.
- Purification Method
GEL Filtration | After synthesis and deprotection , we undergo GEL filtration and check the quality. |
OPC Purification | After synthesis and deprotection , we undergo purification by OPC(simple cartridge). and check the quality. Quality standard is more than 90%. |
HPLC Purification | After synthesis and deprotection , we undergo purification by HPLC( High-Performance Liquid Chromatography)and check the quality. Quality standard is more than 95%. We attach data of electrophoresis. |
PAGE Purification | After synthesis and deprotection , we undergo purification by PAGE and check the quality. We can supply more than 101 mer. |
- Recommended grade according to purposes
| GEL | OPC | HPLC |
PCR | ○ | ○ | ○ |
RT-PCR | Δ | ○ | ○ |
Sequencing | × | Δ | ○ |
Hybridization | × | Δ | ○ |
* We can meet the demand of the customers regarding PAGE purification.
- Synthesis for scale of increased quantity
Synthesis of DNA Oligos for scale of increased quantity |
In case single DNA Oligos is needed in quantity, we can accept synthesis for scale of increased quantity. |
It saves more money than to order many same DNA Oligos. |
We accept order by 10 O.D. Unit. |
Please feel free to contact us as we are pleased to issue estimation depending on needs. |
* We accept synthesis of mg orders. |
Please specify desired quantity of synthesis by mg unit. |
- Option Serveice
Followings are examples of Option Service. Please feel free to contact us a we alse accept other options than the folloewings |
- Paste-on top label of tube(label on the cap).
- Supply of plates
- Ajustment of specified concentration of aqueous solutuin products
- Supply of products at the specifiedstage of treatment process( no cutout, no deprotection etc.)
- Dispensing into tube.Dispensing one kind of product into multiple tubes, into aqueous solution on one side and into lyophilized form on the other side, one kind of product into multiple tubes in different concentrations, so on.
(Please consult us because it will become with charge if quantities are large)
- Attach Product Data on a sticker.
- About NGRL Oligo Kit
For Details < NOTE >
Since April 1, 2008, we are unable to accept orders for this kit from independent administrative agencies such as universities and customers belonging to public agencies appointed by the Government or local governments. This product is limited for use within a year, so please be reminded that you cannot use it by stepping over a year.
Our DNA Oligos and RNA are manufactured and distributed as research reagents. Please do not use them for manufacture of pharmaceuticals, quality control and different purposes of diagnosis than research reagents. Please be reminded that we cannot take responsibility for disputes arising from industrial property rights, safety for toxicity.